...that great word that nobody knows quite well what it is... Love? Career? A balance between several factors...
For those several philosophical moments, or those long nights at work, here is a reading material that i recommend:
...But are we too busy chasing money to give our relationships the attention their importance to our happiness merits? Unfortunately yes – and we are working longer hours than ever before to earn enough to pay for the stuff that we think we need.
Striving after bigger, newer and better while going deeper and longer in debt keeps us fearful and awake nights.
It doesn't do much for relationships either when jobs and careers come before love and family.
I see this every day in marriages and families torn asunder by up-side-down values. ...Even psychiatry knows that the best buffers against stress are caring human (and animal) attachments.
Do we need so much material things?
Couldn't we make a simpler life? Living much more with much less...
Maybe i will not buy that new camera that i've been dreaming of for such a long time... Or maybe not...
Is incredible how often we forget what is really important in this life...
Here is the link to the website:
Thanks Filipe for this philisophical comment!
It is so true, but at the same time hard to manage all these things...
What should be done? How to find the good balance? question not answered yet!!!
Hei Gary! Thanks so much for the comment!
We can't change the world around us, but we can avoid the "rat race" that maiority of people live and focus more on LOVE and what gives us pleasure! But i need money to make the things that give me pleasure, so the cicle is impossible to avoid.
The balance?!? I don't think it exists... No answer, no answer...
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