Suddenly, it seems that all Portugal is in party. There isn’t a weekend which doesn’t have activities and things to do.
It’s official opened the weddings season and the bachelor’s party.
Each little town has it’s commemorations, festa of the horse, festa of the wine, feira of the handcraft, all does perfect as excuse.
The music bands hit the roads on their pre summer festivals tours. It’s the queima das fitas in Coimbra, the academic weeks in the other universities. There are races and marathons, treasure hunts, the radical sports companies are full of demand, for cannoning, all terrain bicycle and others.
It’s the end of the football season!
Above all, here they are the long days… light until 9 p.m. I can’t wait for the warm nights of June with sun light until 10 p.m. and with my Lisbon on popular parties.
I’ve been to some concerts and for some long walks on the sun having my ZEN V PLUS for company, just enjoying the free time and the long hours of light.
So far I loved the concert of the Portuguese band, Blasted Mechanism, in the academic week of Santarém. The new album is really good, their suits and masks are excellent and this year they are better than ever! Visit their website.

Dinner with a lot of drinking, smalls stalls to sell local specialities, 3 concerts of cover’s bands. The real Portuguese thing!