As my own option, I moved from parent’s home since I was 19 years old. Since then, I already lived in almost a dozen of different houses, alone or sharing, with friends or strangers and in different countries. Nevertheless, none of them was so remarking as the house during my studies in Kraków, Poland.
It was in Ulica Lubicz nº34. 5 Minutes to university and 10 to city centre, it was an easy choice. I shared it with The Team:
Nicolas! The youngest, but the tallest of the house. Young French man, studying to be a Manager, but with bigger motivations for poet or writer. Shy and quite, with a special character and “odd” tastes for his age. Is like this that I remember him, in his room seated near the heating reading French literature. He was the leader of the house when it comes to cleaning and to distribute shores. A real Napoleo in the raising
António! António! Calm and down to earth, this Italian from the south is a strong values person. Is not the kind easy to get a friendship, so we never had a close relation.
Few have the honor to say that they lived in a museum. Inside the house there was a door which leads to a museum that we never had access.
The experience to live with people from different origins is tumultuous, funny, confuse, just fantastic!
A photo taken in August and another taken in December from my bedroom window. I never met the owner of the Vespa and never saw anybody climbing those metal stairs...

Unforgettable moments we have a lot, ups and downs, let me tell some of them.
Although the “warm” winter (temperatures didn’t go below - 12ºC), 48 hours passed until someone came to fix the warm water, heating and light of the house. That long corridor with candle lights… the huge discussion with Doctor Marek, the complains to the real state agency…
In Poland the water in pipes is not advised to drink. As we didn’t drink tea at every hour like polish do, we had empty 5 liters water bottles at a regular basis. As Christmas time arrived, Andreas, the artist, decided to make a Christmas tree with the plastic bottles. Below a photo taken during the “making of” and another with the finished piece of art. Original! Take a look at the small tie bags decorating! Priceless!

It was like this...
It was in Ulica Lubicz nº34. 5 Minutes to university and 10 to city centre, it was an easy choice. I shared it with The Team:
Andreas! Andreas! What a cartoon! Here is an example of how a first bad impression can be forgotten and become a great friendship. Really far from the Italian stereotypes, Andreas was a queer! Coming from Venice, he caught the polish “virus” really fast and, today, he works and lives in Poland. A great cooker! The real party animal! A pure heart! A wonderful person!
I! Being the oldest and the most polish speaker, I auto elected me to be the direct contact with our landlord. A polish doctor that changed is office and transformed the old one in a house to rent it to students.
Our home was spectacular! A long, narrow corridor, occupying a big part of the house and several small divisions serving as bedrooms, WC, kitchen, living room, etc.
Our home was spectacular! A long, narrow corridor, occupying a big part of the house and several small divisions serving as bedrooms, WC, kitchen, living room, etc.

A photo taken in August and another taken in December from my bedroom window. I never met the owner of the Vespa and never saw anybody climbing those metal stairs...
Unforgettable moments we have a lot, ups and downs, let me tell some of them.
Although the “warm” winter (temperatures didn’t go below - 12ºC), 48 hours passed until someone came to fix the warm water, heating and light of the house. That long corridor with candle lights… the huge discussion with Doctor Marek, the complains to the real state agency…
In Poland the water in pipes is not advised to drink. As we didn’t drink tea at every hour like polish do, we had empty 5 liters water bottles at a regular basis. As Christmas time arrived, Andreas, the artist, decided to make a Christmas tree with the plastic bottles. Below a photo taken during the “making of” and another with the finished piece of art. Original! Take a look at the small tie bags decorating! Priceless!
It was a different Christmas far from family, but at least included codfish that my parents sent me by mail. Also included a home made Lasagna, 100% Italian. Yes, forget the frozen ones that you buy, no comparison possible! It was delicious Andreas! And there was also a Tart Flambé, made by Nicolas com some telephone help from grandma. Well, wasn’t so special, but the cooking was a lot of fun! Everybody made bad faces when smelled the cod fish but, when done, everybody liked it.
There was still an unexpected visit of a group of kids knocking on or door, singing Christmas songs for some candies. And it finished with a night walk to the cathedral in Wawel castle. With snow the season has a different “taste”…
There was a dinner that I remember more because it was the last one before the goodbye party. As we rented our washing machine to Zsuzsa, we had a free Hungarian Gulash, the kind that we lick the fingers in the end. The photo that recorded the moment:

There was a dinner that I remember more because it was the last one before the goodbye party. As we rented our washing machine to Zsuzsa, we had a free Hungarian Gulash, the kind that we lick the fingers in the end. The photo that recorded the moment:
A festa de despedida foi algo “Bombástico”! Cada quarto foi decorado de forma diferente. Um todo azul, outro vermelho e outro amarelo. Música diferente em cada um deles. Cerca de 100 pessoas, convidados ou não, muita votka, muita cerveja, foi assim:
Este foi o folheto/convite da festa enviado aos convidados...

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