In a vacation of 3 days, or a month, is inevitable to feel a shock on the return to work. Is hard to concentrate, the body complains when returning to the daily routine.

Short ones, but was enough to rest; mentally at least. Putting the routine machine back on, one comes back with more clarity, one makes introspection to life, one focus on what is essential and eliminating what was superfluous.
It was great to gather with old friends! Yes! Yes, it worth’s to invest in friendships with people from different countries! Although is impossible to maintain contact with all, due to the long distance, that small percentage which I keep contact worth’s for all others!
I returned with my heart and mind full of wishful thinking! I quote sentences said or written by the ones I love and that love me:
“It was great seeing you! We both send you hugs! Keep in touch…”
“Acredita em ti! Tu consegues! Tu tens o que eles querem!”
“Tenho pensado muito em ti!... Quando voltas?!”
“…é bom ver-te animado! Vá lá, uma sms! Jocas”
And finally a sentence considered the most shocking / funny of all Amsterdam visit:
“Since I don’t want to jump from the window, i don’t have too many options, I’ll be here!”

Short ones, but was enough to rest; mentally at least. Putting the routine machine back on, one comes back with more clarity, one makes introspection to life, one focus on what is essential and eliminating what was superfluous.
It was great to gather with old friends! Yes! Yes, it worth’s to invest in friendships with people from different countries! Although is impossible to maintain contact with all, due to the long distance, that small percentage which I keep contact worth’s for all others!
I returned with my heart and mind full of wishful thinking! I quote sentences said or written by the ones I love and that love me:
“It was great seeing you! We both send you hugs! Keep in touch…”
“Acredita em ti! Tu consegues! Tu tens o que eles querem!”
“Tenho pensado muito em ti!... Quando voltas?!”
“…é bom ver-te animado! Vá lá, uma sms! Jocas”
And finally a sentence considered the most shocking / funny of all Amsterdam visit:
“Since I don’t want to jump from the window, i don’t have too many options, I’ll be here!”
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